App Features
India's 1st Social Community app for you. Keeping connect with buddys. Buds, Re-bud, Reply to Buds, Share or Like - Mybuddys is the social media app for you. Made in India .
A message posted to Mybuddys containing text, photos, location, and/or video .
Groups (In-build)
World's first Social Networking app with In-build group with One World !! One Group !
Discover top trending hashtags from your city or near you! . also able to know World Wide trending hashtags.
Get your favorite content in 15+ indian language from pin code level local news from Indian villages, towns & districts.
mb Caller Id
The world’s first free Caller ID will identify anyone calling you ! See who is calling even before they call. Community based spam reporting in real time
Chat with buddys
Keep your private conversations safe.We don’t want you to worry; so all your chats and calls are protected with 128-bit AES encryption.
Viral Videos
We make it easy for you to discover and make your own awesome videos by capturing funny and memorable moments to share with the world.
- Watch millions of videos selected specifically for you.
- Get entertained and inspired by a global community of creators.
- Editing tools allow you to easily trim, cut, merge and duplicate video clips.
- Add your favorite music or sound to your videos for free.
get a huge variety of music videos on India’s favourite app in English, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, Punjabi, Marathi, Telugu, Gujarati, Bengali & More ...
Groups (One World !! One Group !)
We make it Unique and Advanced functions used in Groups. In-build groups only in Mybuddys and can't able to create Fake Groups anyone. Especially for Celebrities and Politicians
- Buddys can join any Groups.
- Get updated trusted Pictures, News, and Updates from authorized persons .
- Easy to find Trusted and Authorized Buddys .
- Atractive UI and Easy to use.
What's going on? Create & share using bud with buddys and families.
- Stories allows you to share text, photo, video updates that disappear after 24 hours.
- Bud share text, photos, videos, and your favorite memories.
- News helps you keep up with the latest news around the world.
- Buy & Sale your unwanted & wanted items quickly, straight from your phone.
- Events Find local social events, and make plans to meet up with friends. buddys can share their events like feelings/travailing/watching/playing/listening.
- Earning payments using uploading buds and comments.
- Pages User can create unlimited pages and invite his friends to like the pages.
- Profile visit Notification Receive notification from users who visited your profile.
Trendings #tags
follow your favorite celebrity and politicians alongside hundreds of interesting Mybuddys users. Read their content & all trending topics at a glance. able to know location wise trending hashtags with State, Country, World.
- Et praesentium laboriosam architecto nam .
- Eius et voluptate. Enim earum tempore aliquid. Nobis et sunt consequatur. Aut repellat in numquam velit quo dignissimos et.
- Facilis ut et voluptatem aperiam. Autem soluta ad fugiat.
Frequently Asked Questions
Signup : I am not getting OTP on my phone number. What should I do?
You can try one of the three things:
1. Do not add zero or +91 while entering your phone number. (enter 10 digit mobile number only)
2. It could be due to bad internet connection, please try again after sometime.
3. Check your number in active mode or not. -
How do we make a Bud (post) on Mybuddys?
Click on the Add button in the bottom right corner of homescreen and choose which type of Bud you want to upload by clicking on text/images/gifs/videos/location.
How can I block someone on Mybuddys
You can block any user by going to their profile, and clicking on the Block icon. Once blocked, your buds or profile will not be visible to them.
I found a buds abusive. What can I do to remove such a bud (post)?
You can report that post by clicking on the report button located at the bottom of every bud (post) and select the appropriate reason for us to take action against that Bud.
I put up a awesome bud, but I am not getting good amount of likes or shares
The number of likes and shares on any particular bud (post) depends upon how other users on Mybuddys are reacting to the bud. If your bud is being liked or shared more often, it will be shown to more number of buddys.
if you have any queries mean just ping us.